Volume 6, Issue 5, May 2015
An Improvement on Fragmentation in Distribution Database Design Based on Clustering Techniques |
Pages: 1-4 (4) | [Full Text] PDF (213K) |
Van Nghia Luong, Ha Huy Cuong Nguyen and Van Son Le |
Department of Information Technology, Pham Van Dong University, Quang Ngai, Viet Nam Department of Information Technology, Quang Nam University, Quang Nam, Viet Nam Department of Information Technology, Da Nang University of Education, Da Nang, Viet Nam |
Abstract - Distributed database design plays an important role in the design of distributed applications in general. The problem of optimizing distributed database includes the following problems: data fragmentation and data allocation. There are many different approaches to solve these problems. It also means that the design of distributed databases is difficult to carry out. This paper presents two algorithms (vertical and horizontal fragmentation) in distributed databases based on clustering techniques. The similar measures used in the two algorithms are developed from classical metrics. The experimental results show that segmentation results by two algorithms proposed are equivalent to the results of the classical algorithms. |
Index Terms - Distributed Database, Fragmentation, Allocation, Similar Measure and Clustering |
FPGA Based Low Footprint Security Chip for Portable Embedded Systems |
Pages: 5-13 (9) | [Full Text] PDF (814K) |
Sunil Devidas Bobade and Vijay R. Mankar |
S.G.B. Amravati University Amravati, India R.B.T.E. Pune Region, Pune, India |
Abstract - Elliptic Curve Cryptography is one of the most preferred public key Cryptography algorithms known for its security strength and reduced key size. This makes ECC most suitable for implementing the hardware security chip for providing security services in portable embedded devices. This paper presents an area efficient Security Chip housing ECC algorithm for data encryption over binary field and hybrid multiplier for performing cryptographic multiplications. In proposed FPGA security chip, revised and simplified double point multiplication algorithm is adopted and to achieve further reduction, new low footprint hybrid multiplier is integrated. This hybrid multiplier integrates traditional Karatsuba Multiplier with systolic multiplier. The proposed hybrid multiplier does the initial recursion using the systolic algorithm while final small sized multiplications are accomplished using the Karatsuba algorithm The complete Security Chip housing ECC encryption engine and multiplier module is synthesized and simulated using Xilinx 14.4 software and is implemented on Xilinx Virtex-4 xc4vlx200ff1513 FPGA. Experimental results show proposed Security Chip utilizes very little FPGA resources, when comparing with other such architectures. |
Index Terms - ECC, Double Point Multiplication, Karatsuba Multiplier and Systolic Multiplier |
Optimal Performance of Algorithm Handoff in Wireless Mobile Networks |
Pages: 14-19 (6) | [Full Text] PDF (607K) |
Nahla NurElmadina, R. Abdalrahman, M. Abudia and Nuha Bihary |
College of Computer Science and Engineering, Taibah University, KSA |
Abstract - Cellular communications is a growing demand on the mobile wireless operators to give Quality of Service (QoS). Handoff method allows a cellular system to improve call continuation of an active cell once user moves from one cell to another. The optimal algorithm for automatic controlling and adapting Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) power system for handoff is using measurements of received signal strength and received signal quality. The improved handoff scheme for minimizing handoff failure in mobile networks algorithms based on Matlab languages computing techniques are used in this paper. |
Index Terms - Handoff, Access Point (AP), Received Signal Strength (RSS) and QoS |
The Novel Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna |
Pages: 20-23 (4) | [Full Text] PDF (553K) |
M. Khazini, M. Damou and Z. Souar |
Laboratoire de Technologies de Communications TC, Faculté technologie, -Université Dr Moulay Tahar, – BP 138– Ennasr, Saida, Algérie Département d’électronique, faculté des sciences de la technologie Université, Molay Tahar, BP 138, Saida 20000 - Algerie |
Abstract - A novel transmission line model is represented to model bowtie patch antennas. The purposed model uses two slots for modeling the radiation from patch sides. Each radiation slot is presented by parallel equivalent admittance. Also in this model mutual coupling and the effect of slots length limitation as well as the influence of the side slots on the radiation conductance are taken into account implicitly. Admittance and controlled source equations that used for rectangular patch antenna are modified. |
Index Terms - Transmission Line, Monopole Antenna and Wideband |
A New Robust Fuzzy Logic Based Routing Protocol in MANET |
Pages: 24-36 (13) | [Full Text] PDF (1180K) |
Rahebeh Mojtahedi Saffari and Mohsen Jahanshahi |
Department of Computer Engineering, Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran Department of Computer Engineering, Central Tehran, Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran |
Abstract - A Mobile Ad-hoc Network or MANET is a wireless network of mobile devices that has the ability to self-configure and self-organize and is characterized by an absence of centralized administration and network infrastructure. MANETs are open to a wide range of attacks due to their unique characteristics such as dynamic topology, open medium, absence of infrastructure, multi hop scenario and resource constraint. In MANETs, each ad hoc node acts both as host and as router, thus, it must be capable of forwarding packets to other nodes. The topology of these networks, changes frequently and depend on several factors such as traffic models, node mobility and link stability. To solve this problem, special routing protocols for MANETs are needed, because the traditional routing protocols for wired networks cannot work efficiently in MANETs. In this paper, we propose a new robust routing protocol based on fuzzy logic. The proposed protocol considers the different parameters such as the distance between nodes, the velocity of neighboring nodes relative to each other, the amount of energy of each node, and hop counts for discovering the efficient route. Simulation results show that the proposed protocol has significant improvement in QoS parameters such as the end to end delay, the amount of energy consumption and packet delivery ratio in comparison to DSR and SSR routing protocols. |
Index Terms - MANETs, Routing Protocol, Fuzzy Logic and QoS |